After being crazy ...

Then I ‘ll go to Wikipedia read something about my sign.Pisces. I am not totally believer but almost of the characteristic of pisces is inside me.Coincident?!Not sure.

The myth:

One of the most popular stories regarding the mythological origin of Pisces is the story of Aphrodite and Eros. The story involves Aphrodite and her son Eros escaping from the terrible monster Typhon by turning themselves into fish and hiding underwater until it was safe to come back to the surface. As fish, they tied their tails together with a cord so that they wouldn't lose one another while swimming in the darkness of the deep water. Upon hearing their tale, Zeus rewarded the pair by placing them among the stars as the constellation of Pisces.
As a constellation, Pisces has been almost universally associated with female deities.

The Pisces symbol ( the H ) is often associated with Helen of Troy - Beauty and love.

In the story they were actually turned into Dolphins which are mammals but at the time they were mistaken for fish.

p/s:Though I am not lovely and beautiful, my name begin with H . Eheemmmm :P

My behavior :
 malleable / impressionable
 gentle (Lemah lembut ke?Uweeekkkk)
 good natured / easygoing
 likeable / kind
 compassionate / sympathetic (Bila mudah kesian,mudahlah kena tipu ye tak?)
 sensitive (Yup I am sensitive person)
 dreamy / impractical (Suka berangan)
 instinctive / intuitive (Tak sure)
 imaginative / artistically able (Sesikit)
 versatile
 gullible / naive / easily led (Senang kena tipu, senang gak la kalo nak dibuli)
 spiritual (Sikit2)
 escapist
 selfless

p/s:Yang lain tuh terserahlah pada sesiapa yang membaca entry ni


Likes: Feeling appreciated, feeling loved, freedom, stability, mystical settings/enchantment, dreaming, having their input valued, being unique
Dislikes:Feeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure

Ideal careers
•caring for the needy as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine
• anything related to the sea
• acting
• psychics or mystics
• religion
• cooking
• pharmacist

p/s:Tak paham tul..Apalah yang aku buat depan pc while I should take care of people.Sebenarnya kecik2 dulu pernah berangan nak jadi doctor, pastu berangan nak jadi aktivis alam sekitar.Yang jadi doctor tu cancel sebab math asyik kantoi jer.Last-last jadi programmer langsung no life.Tapi yang pasti aku sangat sangat suka laut.Humm..jadi pelakon drama sesuai tak?

Rupa paras
Their lips will tend to be full with a pursed or puckering quality, the jaw is generally weak or subdued, and in some people, there will be a tendency to double chin. The nose is generally small, the facial features will be rounded, especially the cheeks, which may be prominent in some way, reminding you of the gills of their zodiacal mascot. The eyes similarly, may appear to bulge with somewhat of a sleepy or dreamy expression, and in them you can get the distinct impression of wisdom, mystery or spiritual depth. For this reason, Pisces' eyes are perhaps the most beautiful in all the zodiac. The neck is generally graceful, meeting at the shoulders with a certain smoothness of line. Most Pisceans are tall, with some short individuals

p/s:hidung tu confirm la kecik.Tapi aku takdela pendek sangat. :P. Mata paling cantik?Biar betul, ada sesapa nak tukar?Mata lebam banyak wrinkles la!

Pisces is widely considered to be naturally compatible with the same element signs, Cancer and Scorpio.Many consider it to also be good with Taurus.

p/s: Cepat-cepat..ada sesapa bintang di atas.Sila angkat tangan :P

Source :Wikipedia


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