Oh Baby,It's Wild World...

I am not in really good mood. My mood seems in heavy atmosphere even I tried to get it over. This morning, when my colleague greets me, I just “Hummm…”I don’t know how to describe why but maybe I can write and post it so the whole world can read about my stupidity.

Long, long time ago…not very long, maybe last week, I met this little kitten with golden color. Look like a little lion. He (I am not sure the exact gender, so I just assume it) was lying next to car tyre. With a cute little body compared to that black tyre, with the eyes that shining and sparkling, he looks so tiny and cute. He stared at me like he was smiling.”Hey little cutie, you gonna die sooner if you lay like that under the car “I said as picked him up and put him away from the car, without realized that he stole my heart.

Then I gave him soft cat food for kitten and as his mother joining, I gave more cat food. I hope that I will see them again.

Tuesday 5 September 200
As usual I walking to my office, if I found cat I will feed them. Certain of them already recognized me; they won’t run away but run after me for the food. I am so happy. After bought bihun at my favorite stall, I continued my walk. Usually I won’t find any cat because it was close to office. But that day was different when I saw mother with two kittens playing happily under orange Kancil .They really looks like lion with the golden color. It is dangerous, because there a lot of cars and the cats running around the parking area plus it is busy road. If the driver straight away moves the car without check out the kitten, then Die or Suffer.

I put the cat food, on the pedestrian while they were staring me. I wonder what they were thinking,” Crazy girl!” or something like that. But I am happy anyway; I put more cat food as I concerned the mother need to eat more because breastfeeding required a lot of energy rite?!

I reached office earlier and continued my work happily. At evening, I walking back to home using the same path I saw the cat family still under the same orange Kancil. This time, the mother were breastfeeding her kids. Huhu, could be the mother decided to make the car as their house, which is probably dangerous. But animal instinct usually like that, they stay where they feel comfortable.

May be I could put a poster “Please checkout under your vehicle before you move! There are cute little kittens. Don’t kill them or something like that” Huh, it sounds horrible. I just went back home after giving dinner for them.

Wednesday 6 September 2007
I did not see them. Quite disappointing, I wish I could see those shining and sparkling eyes again. Hope them safe and happy wherever they are.

Thursday 7 September 2007

Which is today. I was walking this morning as I always do. Then I met the mother, she seem sad and unhappy. I want to give her food but she just go away while people were walking around. I could not give her because I feel shame if other people see me .See..I won’t give them food in crowd. In other word, I am coward, stupid or I can use “Malu tak bertempat”.I could just let any cats hungry just because I want to take care of my dignity. If I am kind, I will give them food without concern about other people thinking. So I just left it just like stupid girl.

Then my eyes catch an object, little with golden color on the road. Rat ?!Because usually there rat corpse but this one was not rat it was a little kitten with golden color that I used to see before. Oh my God! It is all my fault. If I managed to create poster and alert the vehicle owner earlier, this would not happen.

So this is what I am today. Moody girl because of her own stupidity. My friend brings me to survey a car and I already booked one. I think I can get over it, but one of my friends told me that she saw other kitten corpse in the Rubbish Bin. Holy SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT…the mother will get GILA MEROYAN if all of her kitten death.

Conclusion: Two Kittens Death and Other strays will follow the same Path.
NOW: My Tears are Nothing!!!Absolutely could not return their life. I am real example of stupid girl.


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