
There only one thing that I have, which is very powerful. Other living that's not from my race will envy it. It is so powerful and given by Almighty God. If I use it properly, it will make me the most powerful on this earth. All other living will be surrounded by it power. Everyone will amaze by it. But if I am not use it properly it will makes me the DUMMIEST creature on this planet. Other living will affected by it. That is why others living call us “HEROES”.

"I think that was called as a 'brain' by human being" said a cat.
"Wow...what a superb creature" said a dog.
"If you see this creature, please run away. It is the most dangerous predator in this world" Mother tiger told her cabs.

Last night I watched National Geographic, story about 12 dangerous predators in North America but at the last conclusion still human being become the most dangerous and it was excluded in the list.

Right now, while all dangerous predators facing massacre by human, my brain work blankly. I am BLANKK...totally BLACK. My brain seems send a message "The program is not responding properly. Do you want to end it now?"

So what option do I have? Yes or No? I think I clicked Yes because right now I only listening to Memai (Dizziness) by Chihiro Onitsuka while doing nothing. Seem like I was totally hibernate.


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