Wet Sweat

I was stunned by the great gym room that company provided. It has quite sophisticated facilities including nice shower rooms. Many employees there enjoy getting sweat.

I was trying to run this workout machine, something like bicycle but have some buttons for different workout program. I pressed Start button, but no response and I keep pressing other buttons still no response. At last, I end up by asking one guy that working out beside me.

“Oh, just start cycling.” He said.

Amazing, all the buttons automatically enable when I start cycling.

“Then, choose what program you want.” He said while pressing Fat Burning program for me.

“No.”I said bluntly, “I don’t even have fat to burn. Please choose other program.”I said to him seriously.

He laughs.”Ok.” Then he pressed other program for me.

I workout from 6.30 pm until 7.50pm, my body was sweating quickly. It’s been a very long time and to start over again was quite hard. Maybe I can say I never workout for more than one year. No wonder I always tired lately. At last, here I am, wet with sweat, and I feel really happy. Exercise makes you happy.


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