TGIF:Just keep moving forward

I am forgetful person.Since I was small I tend to forget.I think it's genetic.

But since I started working, I think I never miss any meeting (remind me if I forgot) except recently.I missed quite a few.I forgot a lot of things but important thing such as meeting made my day turn very bad.

Because, imagine I decided to continue sleep because I forgot that I have meeting.If not like I missed meeting because I could not wake up, it just because I completely forgot.

I felt  bad when I reached the office and open the calendar and damn! I got meeting at 8 am when it already over.I felt guilty especially when my teammate said,"I already reminded you yesterday."

"Huh, you did?!!" I forgot.Even the ton of works can't erase my guilt.I keep saying sorry and feeling bad about my self till my teammate, The Elder said,"Please don't waste your time with guilt, we have war to face."

I knew that we 're struggling with dateline.

"You know.." He said,

"A car almost knocked a motorcyclist from behind.The motorcyclist was very mad, so  he turned back and showed "international" sign to the driver.But then he bumped into the other car at front of him.So sometimes we need to forget whatever past to keep moving forward."

His analogy made me feel better.That's the good one.Regretting sometimes useless.But still I have to do something with my forgetfulness.It makes me feel disconnected from this world.


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