Sensation: The New Science of Physical Intelligence


Good day everyone.

Unid nak share buku yang unid habiskan baru baru ni  iaitu Sensation: The New Science of Physical Intelligence by Thalma Nobel.

Like the revolutionary bestsellers Predictably Irrational and Emotional Intelligence, Sensation is an exciting, completely new view of human behavior—a new psychology of physical intelligence (or embodied cognition)—that explains how the body unconsciously affects our everyday decisions and choices, written by one of the world’s leading psychologists.
From colors and temperatures to heavy objects and tall people, a whole symphony of external stimuli exerts a constant influence on the way your mind works. Yet these effects have been hidden from you—until now. Drawing on her own work as well as from research across the globe, Dr. Thalma Lobel reveals how shockingly susceptible we are to sensory input from the world around us.
An aggressive negotiator can be completely disarmed by holding a warm cup of tea or sitting in a soft chair. Clean smells promote moral behavior, but people are more likely to cheat on a test right after having taken a shower. Red-colored type causes us to fail exams, but red dresses make women sexier and teams wearing red jerseys win more games. We take questionnaires attached to heavy clipboards more seriously and believe people who like sweets to be nicer. Ultimately, the book’s message is startling: Though we claim ownership of our decisions, judgments, and values, they derive as much from our outside environment as from inside our minds. Now, Sensation empowers you to evaluate those outside forces in order to make better decisions in every facet of your personal and professional lives.[copy paste from Amazon]

Suhu,tekstur,berat,bunyi,rasa,bau dan warna sebenarnya mempengaruhi kita dalam hidup sehari hari tanpa kita sedar.

She is warm person . Suhu Warm kat sini bermaksud seorangnya mesra penuh kasih sayang, bila hangat ni selalu kita bayangkan dalam pelukan ibu, tidur atas kucing.Eh eh =)

Warm vs cold can be said generous vs ungenerous , good natured vs irritable dan lain lain.Secara tak sedar orang yang memegang kopi panas dan sejuk memberi kita perspektive berbeza.

Cold lonely night.Perubahan suhu boleh mempengaruhi mood tau.Pleasant,warm weather improves mood, panas buat kita jadi aggressive.

Tekstur.Hard people and soft people.Duduk atas pasir yang lembut, atau duduk atas batu batu yang kasar boleh mempengaruhi mood.Kalau rasa badmood tu check balik kut kut ada terpijak batu ke atau duduk atas kerusi keras.

Berat.Klip yang berat dekat resume boleh bawa impact yang besar tau tanpa sedar.

Warna merah tidak membantu kalau kita sedang menjawab soalan math, tapi ianya dapat membuatkan kita nampak menarik.Pasukan yang memakai pakaian yang ada warna merah mempunyai tendency untuk menang lebih berbanding yang tidak.Dalam dunia haiwan, merah adalah tanda mendominasi.Perasan tak Donald Trump dan beberapa pemimpin dunia memakai tie merah?

Unid suggestkan kalau rajin, bacalah buku ni. Sebab kita ni manusia jadi sense adalah basic.At least kita belajar pasal diri sendiri .So lepas ni kita lebih tau pasal diri sendiri. Walaupun buku ini berdasarkan kajian tetapi tak semestinya apply kat semua benda.Jangan pulak korang gaduh gaduh pasal kebendaan ni.Nah, unid share video ni, dia dah siap summarizekan dah =)


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