Kaki Ampu

The good thing about working in a big company as a programmer is  we don't have to do all by ourselves.We have support team that support us.The bad thing is we cannot do all by ourselves plus you need to communicate with irritating person to get job done for you.

I already tried my best to be such a good and polite girl when trying to communicate with this support guy.

Scenario 1 - We need to create public key  in order to enable sftp between two server.Of course , we can google and do it by ourselves.Most of programmers know how to do that right?But imagine, in a big company we cannot directly go to production server, configure it by ourselves.We need to log our ticket to support team.The worst is that SFTP features will be on certain application.So as a big company, we have support team for various applications and areas and we ourselves as programmer we are not really sure to which group we need to log this type of request. So let us try ask one of support team here.

Me > Do you know how we can create public key in this application?
He > I don't know.I am not developer.(Is this the good answer?)
Me > (Damn, I know you are not developer!) Ok, do you know any other support team that doing this?
He > I am not sure.you can ask other developers.

Okay. With this type of attitude, I take other action google in the company site and I am lucky I found the group that responsible in creating public key. A few weeks later, I got email from the person that I don't know asking about procedure creating public key.Humm...I can see support team not really doing their job.

Scenario 2- We have error in the application.We know that the error regarding on the memory.Usually as programmer we can directly change and increase memory space.But again, in a big company, our hand is tied and we need to look for support team and yelling for help in order to increase memory in production.

I already know the guy in scenario 1 attitude, but I tried my best to be positive and assume that maybe he is not bad but just it happen in previous scenarios he just having bad mood.So I log an issue to his group but I still pray that he is not the one who pick up the ticket.At the end of the day, when I see the log status equal to solved I am very happy until I read his comment. "This is error regarding with out of memory space.Nothing to do with application." And he changed the status as solved without let me know, or asking me the detail of the issue.

Who on earth change the status to SOLVED when he solving nothing at all.He should let me know if the case is not his so I can escalate to other group.I really pissed off with this guy attitude but I still try to be patient.Let me ask him the detail, maybe he got the reason.

Me > Regarding on the log, do you know where we can refer to?
He > I don't know. It's nothing to do with application. I only KNOW FROM THE LOG FILE.YOU NEED TO FIND IT YOURSELF!
Me > Yes.I know it's nothing to do with application.I AM ASKING WHERE WE CAN REFER TO?
He > This group.You want me to give your name.Here the name.

Okay.I replied thank to him.But my heart is already burning.Why so TAIK attitude?If  as a support you can only read the log file, I also read from the log file.I read it first then after that I issue it to you.And you read the log file and change the status to SOLVED.Wow, sure you get a lot of pay to do that.

I am not expecting you know everything but if you don't know something please don't be rude.We are not happy to log the issues.Usually logging the issue to support team is the last thing we do  after  we see no other choice.

I am not blaming all support team.I really know that some of them really did a good job instead of become kaki ampu.But this one really mad me feel like want to explode.I don't care if he read this anyway.He can look back to all my transaction and confirm himself whether I am rude with him or vice versa.
Seriously irritating.

Note: I am not writing the whole sequence of story, I just summarize it, and make it short.Writing this already made my blood boil.


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